A game made for GDEVELOP's first 3D game jam, the theme is "Navigation".



MouseLook around
Left ClickShoot
R keyReload
Esc KeyLiberate Mouse cursor
Esc Key (Hold)Pause Menu

Toggle "Touch controls?" On the main menu if you want to play on mobile :D

About the Game:

Navigate (There it is! The theme!) through a complex garden maze while defending yourself from "Standees" Zombies, they might be not very animated but they will sure tear you apart if you're not careful! ( Hence the name of the game c: )

Use your map:

A botched piece of paper with some clues and landmarks to help you navigate (Theme! There it is again!) the maze, it is a piece of paper, not a GPS! So try to not get dissoriented!

I think is alive?

Is the map wrongly drawn? Or is there something else happening in the maze? Aside from the zombies of course! Shortcuts may open, known roads might close, or are you just very dissoriented?


Ammo, health upgrades and the keys needed to finish the game, it's all there! Check your map!

Noise, pain and ambushes:

Shooting, getting hurt and waiting might make more zombies to appear and try to attack you from the forest and from some bushes, don't forget to pay attention to your ears, you might hear when a zombie has caught your scent.

Zombie-dealing strats?

Depending on the zombie your bullets can make more or less damage, also affect their speed, and who knows... maybe you can even make some of them run away from you...

Deep lore:

Not really :)  but finishing the game sheds some light on the events of the game and what may come next depending on feedback! (Which i'm grateful to receive)


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Good game tho

Thank you!

The exit button not working

Yeah something about playing the game in the browser, planning to remove or just use it to exit fullscreen as soon as the jam ends :)